
Manishka Gunatilake

December 5, 2019

Interior design trends for 2020

Another yeah comes to a roaring end and I’ve been doing some research into what interior trends are Hot and which are Not. Hope this gives you a head start freshening up your home for the New Year.


Bold Colour scheme – Purple, Emerald Green, Orange and Cobalt blue will be the trendy colours to add that ‘pop’ of colour into your living spaces.

Mixing the Old with the New – Add character to your shelves and tabletops by mixing some vintage accessories with some modern ones.

Painted Doors – Gone are the days for the plain white door with the white trim. Door’s can look exciting too! Go big and Go bold.

Terrazzo – This is the biggest comeback items of this decade. Whether it be for floors or benchtops, Terrazzo is the way to go.

Classical interiors – Vintage is making a comeback. Out with the rigid modern and in with the comfy old. This is one of my personal favourites.


Grey on Grey – While this was a very popular trend within the last decade, we are going to be looking at much brighter accent colours.

Industrial Design – Seems like everyone wants their homes to feel comfy and inviting. Rather than cold and rigid.

Accent Walls – The theme for 2020 is that if you liked a colour enough to paint one wall, then be bold and paint the whole room in it.

All white kitchen – As we see the recurring trend of colour in the next decade, the sterile all white boring kitchen spaces are going out the door. But for the all-white kitchen lovers, don’t worry it might make a comeback soon.

As always keep in mind that trends are great source of inspiration. This doesn’t mean that you must incorporate every single tend within your home. Just simply take one or two of these trends and use them in a subtle way to update your living space. Have a great Christmas everybody! We’ll see you in the New Year!